Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sharek Youth Forum is Looking for Volunteers!

A leading Palestinian youth organization with the primary goal of creating the space and capacity for youth to engage as active participants in all sectors of civil society and to participate in the development of local communities. Originally launched as a program of the UNDP in 1996, Sharek became an independent NGO in 2004. As a youth organization for youth, run by youth, Sharek tackles development issues from a unique perspective which directly reflects youth needs and visions.

Sharek’s work includes economic empowerment initiatives, providing services to connect youth mentors with underserved children to ensure the realization of children’s right to play and provide complimentary education services; building capacities of other youth organizations, especially small community based youth organizations; and arming youth with knowledge of their human rights and the capacity to articulate, effectively communicate, and persuasively advocate for change on the issues that most affect them, as active individuals and engaged citizens in the process of building a culture of reciprocal respect and democracy in Palestine. Sharek designs and carries out its youth development programs with hundreds of motivated youth volunteers involved in project design and implementation.

Step Forward: the Center for Youth Economic Empowerment

With 4 years of experience implementing careers and business services for youth, Sharek Youth Forum decided in 2009 to target its efforts into a new center focusing on economic empowerment: Step Forward. The center is now leading the way in addressing key challenges set out by Sharek Youth Forum in its August 2009 white paper: a Youth Employment Action Plan (see http://www.stepforward.ps/en/knowledge/yeap/). Step Forward’s strategy is to develop knowledge and advocacy as fundamental building blocks upon which high quality services can be provided. It aims to get all Palestinian youth actively participating in the economy.

Based on this strategy, Step Forward works on three programmes: School-to-Work, Youth Enterprise and Welcomed to Work. Each works on research, advocacy and services to address the challenges faced by youth trying to become economically active. School-to-Work addresses the gap between education and employment. Youth Enterprise addresses the barriers to youth establishing micro and small businesses. Welcomed to Work addresses particular issues facing marginalized groups.
Programme Information
Target Group Young people (21-25) with an interest in working with Palestinian youth in the field of economic empowerment and with a skill or experience to contribute.

Programme Structure
Length of Internship 3-6 months
Start Dates 01/07/2010; 15/09/2010; 01/01/2011; 01/04/2011
Costs No fee is currently applied; you will require approximately $400 per month to cover rent and living costs
Benefits Work-related West Bank travel expenses are paid

Fields of Work (2010-11)
  • A1 Research & reporting
  • A2 Resource development
  • A3 Training (including English teaching)
  • A4 Website Development
  • A5 Fundraising & PR
  • B1 Field research
  • B2 Business coaching
  • B3 Training
* requires excellent spoken Palestinian Arabic Notes

You can select up to three fields of work and work on up to two during your internship. If you complete your work early, you can select a new fields of work You must commit to the work and normally you would be expected to work full-time. Part-time arrangements are possible. If you have an idea for a placement, please let us know by submitting your proposal using the same approach as below.

Applications Applicants should complete the associated application form and return it to maha.smoom@sharek.ps at least 1 month before their proposed start-date. Following the application, a skype interview will be arranged.
Please visit the Sharek website to download an information packet with detailed information and an application.
Thanks Kasia for bringing this to our attention!

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